Sunday, March 20, 2016

"Spring Has Sprung" - Spring Equinox at Huerto Cafe on Saturday March 19th, 2016

Spring arrived early at Huerto Cafe

We gladly opened our doors and hearts to Primavera, eagerly awaiting the season of rebirth.

Our garden told the story.  It blossomed just as our event arrived.

Christian helped with the preparations and graciously served our guest with a smile.

Erica always at the ready.

Rocio having a moment of contemplation.

A cozy corner.

All the preparations completed, we eagerly awaited our guests.


Francisco Rosales and Esther Alejandre

. This ritual reconnects us to not just each other, but to the cycle of the day, the cycle of the year 
and that of the seasons. Francisco Rosales and Esther Alejandre led the ceremony.

“Calling in” the 6 directions

 Smudging before entering the circle

We were gifted with the birth of this perfect Monarch butterfly, just emerged from its
chrysalis at Huerto Cafe, right before the beginning of our ceremony.

 Maestro Narciso being smudged

Entering the ceremonial circle


Original choreography entitled “Spring at the Lake, The Body, Dance and Art, A Ritual of Appreciation Reclaiming Nature” by Narciso Sanchez, professor of dance for the University of Guadalajara" was performed.

Dancers were Karen Michel, Adanelly Horta and Karina Mo.

Music by Arvo Part and various other composers.


Executive Chef Zaineb Barstead prepared Tunisian appetizers for our afternoon of delight.

With its heart in the Mediterranean region, Tunisian cuisine is a melting pot of culinary influences.

 Tunisian food of today is well seasoned and full of aromatic herbs and spices from garlic, onion, 
saffron to basil and cloves.

We were transported to North African not only through the taste of the food, but also through
the aroma, herbs and spices used.


Sculpture by Rigoberto Navarro 

Jewelry by Corinne

Canvas painting by Julie Mignard.

Rigo y Corinne

Bossa Nova, Neo Son music by Joshue.

We wish to thank all the people who made this special event possible:
our volunteers, staff and especially our wonderful guests.

We'll see you next month on April 30th, 2016
when we celebrate Children's Day at Huerto Cafe
with an original Mayan Puppet Theatre production 
based on a classic Mayan legend, music, food and more.

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