For those of you who were able to join us last night, a sincere "Gracias". The afternoon started tranquily, then built to a lovely, intimate circle of legend telling, introspective art conversation and fun.
Our sincere appreciation goes to hosts Jennifer Stanley and Thom Weeks, who allowed us into their warm home-in-progress.
What a deep pleasure it is to know someone like Antonio Lopez Vega who is now a friend. This is a great artist who has been working for 40 years. He is someone who has walked fearlessly through the landscape of his mind, observing intently. Then intently observing his culture and people and their history. Then beautifully and fantastically displaying his perceptions in his unique way for others to learn from and glory in. He is a rebel, utterly integrous in his life and work and almost unknown because he has so little interest in being known, one of the great undiscovered artists of Mexico. He is deeply permacultural - he works with what is around him and continually searches the byways for interesting artefacts to work with. Yes, he makes art out of trash. I wish you could meet him. I think you would enjoy him immensely.
- Brad Mowers, Ajijic Jalisco Mexico December 20th, 2014

We do hope you can join us for our next installment of Art Xik Xik. More info on future events to follow.
Paz y Amor