Sunday, November 9, 2014

Maestro Javier Zaragoza

Javier Zaragoza
Art Xik Xik Master Art Lecture Series
Quetzal Restaurant, Chapala
Saturday Nov. 8th, 2014

With an open heart and broad smile Maestro Javier Zaragoza greeted our guests and shared original concept drawings for his mural.  The warmth of his sincere salutation was felt by all.

Javier Zaragoza's work was displayed for all to appreciate, complete with a beautiful backdrop.

His life's work and trajectory were recounted with humour and humility.

And the afternoon smiled upon our captivated group.

The group moved out to the mural on the carretera for an anecdotal filled description

The Maestro shared with us how he found his models...mostly through family and friends.

Being in situ presented its own challenges...mainly competing sound from passing traffic.

At the end of our special afternoon, the sky opened and twilight sang in the evening.

A true "Thank You" to all who supported and attended our special gathering.  We'll be posting future lectures soon.  Paz y Amor.